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HALO™ Fractional Laser Resurfacing in Naples, FL | Kirsch Dermatology
HALO™ Fractional Laser Resurfacing
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HALO® Laser Treatment: A versatile, safe, and comfortable alternative to conventional skin resurfacing

Kirsch Dermatology in Naples, Florida, is privileged to provide an array of cutting-edge services to improve skin health and appearance, all within a warm and inviting, boutique-style setting. 

Developed by medical and aesthetic laser technology leader SCITON®, the HALO® system is a first-in-class, technologically-advanced hybrid fractional laser. It may be appropriate for skin resurfacing treatment for patients with myriad imperfections, from wrinkles to dryness. 

HALO® Laser Treatment 101 

HALO® distinguishes itself from other laser resurfacing technologies. As a hybrid fractionated laser, it is both ablative and non-ablative. These dual wavelengths are gently applied to the skin via a handheld device. The HALO® handpiece is precisely and safely rolled over the treatment area to target deep and superficial skin layers synergistically. This approach promotes better and longer-lasting results than other laser devices.

Treatable Areas, Conditions 

HALO® is a versatile treatment. It may be used on almost any part of the body that has sustained visible signs of aging or environmental damage. These areas include the face, neck, chest, arms, hands, and legs. Fine lines, wrinkles, laxity (sagging), and other changes can arise as the natural production of firming collagen and springy elastin degrades over time. Exposure to damaging ultraviolet rays from the sun or tanning beds and other factors can hasten the development of these and other signs of aging. 

HALO® is well-suited to improve the appearance of lines, folds, and saggy skin, as well as: 

  • Hyperpigmentation (dark discoloration)
  • Visible or large pores
  • Acne scarring 
  • Surgical scars
  • Blemishes
  • And much more

HALO® is also safe for all skin types. Suitable candidates for HALO® laser resurfacing range from pale, green- and blue-eyed patients whose skin rarely tans to patients of color whose skin does not burn. 

What to Expect

HALO® is a relaxing and efficient treatment. It is well-tolerated. The laser is applied to cleansed skin. For added comfort, topical numbing agents (similar to lidocaine) are also used. Nerve blocks or sedation are not necessary to maintain comfort throughout treatment. 

Our patients appreciate that resurfacing with HALO® requires little to no downtime. We recommend refraining from the use of makeup or harsh skincare products for 24 hours following your treatment session. As the old skin layers and damaged cells are stripped away, it is not uncommon to notice skin peeling for a few days post-procedure. During this process, the new and healthy skin is revealed underneath. Since the new tissue is more sensitive to UV light and facial products, it is essential to maintain healthy skin habits such as sun protection with a UVA-UVB broad-spectrum sunscreen. 

Experience the Benefits of HALO®Every patient is different. One treatment session may be all that you need to get the desired improvement; however, if your skin has healed and you are not satisfied with the results, contact us for a touch-up session. We can also discuss ways to maintain your improved and healthy skin. Call Kirsch Dermatology at (239) 300-9767 to schedule a consultation at our Naples clinic. You may also request an appointment on this website.

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