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Rudy Bershadski, PA-C, MAPS

Home » Rudy Bershadski, PA-C, MAPS
Rudy Bershadski, PA-C, MAPS

Rudy Bershadski, PA-C, MPAS, is a highly skilled Physician Assistant specializing in aesthetic medicine, with a rich surgical background spanning over 15 years. Rudy has honed his expertise across a wide range of surgical fields, including plastics, orthopedics, and neurosurgery, among others. His advanced training in minimally invasive and laparoscopic techniques, complemented by a certification in Aesthetic Medicine and anti-aging from the American Board of Aesthetic Medicine, positions him as a leading expert in the aesthetic field.

Rudy’s approach to aesthetic medicine is characterized by a meticulous attention to detail and a passion for achieving natural, beautiful results. His perfectionist nature is evident in his skillful injecting technique, making him particularly adept at the precision required for thread lifts and other minimally invasive procedures. Rudy combines his vast surgical experience with a deep love for hands-on, transformative aesthetic work, offering his patients not just treatments, but artistry. As a board-certified physician assistant and a recognized fellow in multiple professional organizations, Rudy’s commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction makes him a standout in the evolving world of aesthetic medicine.

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